
Creativity | Cognition | Computation

TriCoLore is happy to announce Marianna Bolognesi (University of Oxford), Aldo Gangemi (University of Bologna), Irene Mittelberg (University of Aachen), Alessandro Oltramari (Bosch Research, Pittsburgh), and Marija Slavkovik (University of Bergen) as invited speakers.

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Marianna Bolognesi

Aldo Gangemi

Irene Mittelberg

Alessandro Oltramari

Marija Slavkovik

How words vs images construct metaphor
Frame dynamics in knowledge graphs
Image schemas and force dynamics in gesture and visual art
Multi-modal sense-making
Autonomous yet moral machines

Short CV

Oxford Homepage

Marianna Bolognesi is a research associate at the University of Oxford (UK) working on metaphor in thought, language and images within the large UK AHRC-funded project Creative Multilingualism, a consortium of various UK-based universities working on language variation and human creativity. Previously, she worked as a EU Marie Curie awarded fellow at the Metaphor Lab Amsterdam, where she is still coordinating the research area on Metaphor and Multimodality. Her research bridges psychological (behavioral) methods with language modeling based on distributional semantics. Marianna received her PhD from the University of Torino, where she worked on the structure of the mental lexicon in native speakers and foreign learners, comparing them to distributional models’ outputs.

Marianna commutes between Oxford and Siena, Italy, where her husband (Michael) and their three-lingual son (Sean) live.

Short CV

Bologna Homepage

Aldo Gangemi is full professor at University of Bologna, and associate researcher at ISTC-CNR, Rome, where he co-founded the Semantic Technology Lab. His research focuses on the representation and discovery of knowledge patterns across data, ontologies, language, and cognition. He has published more than 250 papers, is EB member of international journals (Semantic Web, Applied Ontology, J. of Web Semantics), and was conference chair of e.g. LREC2006, EKAW2008, WWW2015, ESWC2018. He has worked in the EU projects Galen, WonderWeb, OntoWeb, Metokis, NeOn, IKS, MARIO, etc. His software projects (FRED, Aemoo, Semantic Scout, Sentilo, XDTools, etc.) in ontology engineering, knowledge extraction and exploratory search are demoed in web applications or services.

Aldo lives in Bologna and Rome with Valentina and a few saxophones, even spending time with his two undergraduate daughters.

Short CV

Aachen Homepage

Irene Mittelberg is Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Semiotics at the Human Technology Centre (HumTec) at RWTH Aachen University, where she directs the Natural Media Lab and interdisciplinary research on coverbal gesture. She also serves as director of the Aachen Center for Sign Language and Gesture (SignGes). Her theoretical work combines traditional semiotic theories (C.S. Peirce, Roman Jakobson) with embodied approaches to language, cognition, and multimodal communication (e.g. iconicity, indexicality, image schemas, force dynamicy, frames, metonymy and metaphor). She has done extensive research on several semiotic systems, especially language and visuo-spatial modalities such as coverbal gesture and the visual arts, drawing connections to aesthetics and art history.

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Bosch Research Page

Alessandro Oltramari is a Research Scientist and Project Lead at the Bosch Research and Technology Center in Pittsburgh (USA), working on hybrid AI systems in the context of Internet of Things. Prior to this position, he was a Research Associate at Carnegie Mellon University (2010-2016), where he specialized in the integration between knowledge based systems and cognitive architectures. His work at CMU spanned from machine vision to robot navigation, occasionally arousing interest in the press (CNET, Forbes). Alessandro received his Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from the University of Trento (Italy) in 2007, and was Visiting Research Associate at Princeton University in 2005 and 2006, where he worked with Christiane Fellbaum and George A. Miller on restructuring the computational lexicon WordNet using ontological analysis.

Alessandro has been living in Pittsburgh since 2010, with his wife Laura and their rescued pets Lady (dog) and Bruno (cat).

Short CV

Bergen Homepage

Marija Slavkovik is an Associate Professor at the University of Bergen in Norway. She works on problems of interaction and reasoning: collective decision making, formal models of social influence and information diffusion, digital crowds and machine ethics. Prior to her postdoc and tenure at the University of Bergen, she was a research associate at the Computer Science Department of the University of Liverpool working on projects regarding the verification of autonomous systems. Marija obtained her PhD at the University of Luxembourg in 2012 in the area of computational social choice and multi-agent systems. She is an alumna of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, where she obtained her masters degree in 2007 working within the KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data.

Marija has been living at the edge of the fjords in Bergen since 2013 with her partner Ronan and their trusty robot (Harvey).